“Tout au long de l’histoire, il y a eu l’inaction de ceux qui auraient pu agir; l’indifférence de ceux qui auraient dû en savoir plus, le silence de la voix de la justice quand il importait le plus qu’on l’entende; qui a rendu possible que le mal triomphe.”

Haile Selassie I (1892-1975) Discours aux Nations unies, le 4 octobre 1963.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

Haile Selassie I (1892-1975) Addressing the United Nations, 4 october 1963.


WELCOME to the official site of the “Mouvement des Français de l’Etranger (MDFDE) French and Francophones Abroad,” a community participatory forum open to all citizens of the world. Founded in the Spring of 2008 in California by Ms. Elisabeth JENSSEN and registered in France in July 2013, we are a dynamic non-profit organization promoting Culture and the Arts anchored in our rich French-American History. An unique social network working tirelessly to help build new bridges beyond boundaries, expand our circle of conversation via educational, cultural and artistic projects in the United States, France and worldwide. Hope you come aboard!

Faithfully yours,

Elisabeth JENSSEN Founder & President

Chair, #MDFDEFriendshipMerciTrain70

Chair, #MDFDEFriendshipMerciTrain75

Contact: elisabeth.jenssen@francaisdeletranger.org

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