Spc. Thomas Ashworth, medical technician, screens a patient for coronavirus at the COVID-19 clinic at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, March 20, 2020. BRIAN FERGUSON/STARS AND STRIPES https://www.stripes.com/landstuhl-increases-capacity-for-coronavirus-testing-tries-to-keep-testing-supplies-in-stock-1.623242

*****RED ALERT: Latest News on the #CoronavirusCOVID19 epidemic:


As of 04/10/2020: 1.7 million cases of infected patients and more than 103,000 people have died worldwide. Source: John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

UNITED STATES: The US has recorded at least 501,615 cases and at least 18,777 deaths. The total includes cases from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and other U.S. territories as well as all repatriated cases. Source: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

FRANCE: 90,676 cases of infected patients and 13,197 deaths (+987 deaths in the last 24H including the death of a 10-year old). 31,267 patients are hospitalized including 7,004 people in ICU (34% are under 60 and 98% are under 30. 24,932 people have recovered to date.

ITALY: 143,000 cases of infected patients and 18,300 deaths (+570 deaths in the last 24H versus 610 deaths on Thursday).

SPAIN: 157,000 cases of infected patients and 15,900 deaths (+510 in the last 24H/lowest # since March 24).

GREAT BRITAIN: 8,958 deaths (+980 deaths in the last 24H – worst day) to date.

04/09/2020: More than 1.6 million cases of infected patients and 95,000 deaths worldwide. Source: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

UNITED STATES: The US has recorded 466,299 cases and 16,686 deaths. https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2020/health/coronavirus-us-maps-and-cases/

EUROPE is the most contaminated continent with more than 60,000 deaths and 750,000 cases to date.

FRANCE: 12,210 deaths (+412 deaths in the last 24H). 86,334 cases recorded via testing with 30,767 patients hospitalized (+392 in the last 24H) including 7,066 in ICU (82 patients less than yesterday) w/ 105 patients under 30.

ITALY: 139,000 cases and 17,600 deaths to date.

SPAIN: 153,000 cases and 15,000 deaths to date.

GREAT BRITAIN: 65,077 cases and 7,978 deaths (+881 deaths in the last 24H) to date. PM Boris Johnson has been released from intensive care, where he had been admitted for the coronavirus on Monday.

GERMANY: 2,607 deaths to date.



Dear Fellow Democrats,

A Chaplain has updated us on the situation at the US Military Hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. As many of you already know, Democrats Abroad has been actively supporting the wounded warriors program since 2006 https://www.democratsabroad.org/wounded_warriors.


The hospital continues to operate and is under high protection security against the Coronavirus.  It has been upgraded from C Charly to B Bravo level.  So the ill, injured and PTS/TBI wounded warriors continue to be treated and the ambulance planes continue to fly in and out of Ramstein. The hospital is also serving the military community during the Coronavirus by testing patients with symptoms and hospitalizing them when necessary.

No Chaplain or visitor is allowed to visit so the only “social” contact patients have is with the nurses, doctors and caregivers in the wards.  The outpatients are left to their own in their barracks.  The gym is closed.  The USO is working with a very minimal staff and is “still serving the Medical Transient Detachment (MTD) patients by providing sodas, coffee and snacks (lots) in their lounge area. We go over there twice a day to ensure they have snacks for their rooms and hopefully putting a smile on their faces”.


Service members evacuated to the hospital come with very little, a small backpack at most and of course their uniform and boots, so they rely on the Chaplain’s Closet for clothes. Besides sending a card, letter or even chocolates to comfort and cheer up the caregivers and patients, here is the latest list of items needed:

High need items*:

Crocs & sneakers size 10 & 12, sweatpants (no string) for medical reasons

Light weight winter jackets , urgent: zipped hoodies with fleece XL , mouthwash

“Please do not sent 2 XL or 3 XL sizes”!!!


  • Military Duffle bags medium/large / Black Duffle bags ( no logos)
  • Unisex sweatshirts/hoodies (medium/large, X-large), (no logos)
  • Unisex sweatpants (small/medium/large)
  • Polyester shorts/briefs (all sizes)
  • Run T-shirts/ sportswear*,(all sizes)
  • Comfortable light T-shirts (all sizes)
  • T-Shirts color, (small/medium/large), (no logos, no white)
  • Keurig coffee pods, DARK roast (K-cup)
  • Crocs, size 9-12 / Sneakers, 9-12
  • Baseball caps
  • Scarfs
  • Light weight Winter Jackets, Beanies, Gloves

Postal address:

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
ATTN: Chaplains office
Kirchberg Geb. 3765
Landstuhl, 66849 Germany

Thanks for caring. We know how much they appreciate this,

Jim Moss and Anna Marie Mattson on behalf of
Democrats Abroad Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus

The Chaplain’s Clothes Closet (CCC) at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) started in October 2001 at the onset of Operation Enduring Freedom.  The CCC provides a variety of new essential clothing and comfort items for our deployed U.S. Service Members, DOD employees, coalition partners, and US contractors as they are evacuated to LRMC for treatment.  Since the Chaplain’s Closet is a non-funded humanitarian entity within the Department of Defense, we rely on the generous donations of fellow Americans and others.  We truly appreciate the efforts of each and every person willing to share “hugs from home” and words of encouragement with those who have given so much.

Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus

Link: https://www.democratsabroad.org/high_need_items_during_the_coronavirus_for_the_landstuhl_us_regional_medical_center

Wounded Warriors Project at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center


Democrats Abroad regularly visits patients at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, the largest US military hospital outside the US. All first- wounded military (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other theaters) make a stop at this hospital to be stabilized before returning to the United States.

In keeping with a tradition begun at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in 2006 during a Democrats Abroad DPCA meeting in Washington, D.C., Democrats Abroad has been showing support and bringing comfort and cheer to wounded, ill and injured military warriors. Walter Reed was the first long-term convalescent center for amputees wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. At this meeting, DA UK donated toffees, DA Germany Kinder eggs, DA Israel dates and DA France chocolates.

Since then, Democrats Abroad has been visiting patients at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, BAMC (Brook Army Medical Center) in San Antonio and the new Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda. This service project was initiated because of the relationship with the 10th Mountain Division Association who has a very active wounded warrior program. The 10th Mountain Liaisons (LNO) are always happy to receive visitors, gifts, chocolates and cards. The 10th Mountain Division is one of the most deployed divisions in the US Army and is known for its rapid responsiveness in Somalia as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the Second World War, the 10th Mountain Divison was the unit of ski troopers in the US Army.

Here’s a quote from Michael M. Phillips’s book The Gift of Valor: “If you make it to Landstuhl, you’re good to go. It was an article of faith among the Marine infantrymen in Iraq that if the corpsman plugged up the hole to keep you from bleeding out…and the Air Force got you all the way to the Army hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, then you’d live…you’d survive and eventually get home.”

Continue to help us SUPPORT OUR WOUNDED WARRIORS with warm heartfelt greetings and donations. … Besides making cards for the caregivers and the wounded, injured and ill military patients at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany to wish them either a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas or a Happy Valentine’s and thanking them for their service, you can also send donations.

Thanks for caring!

For more information, contact Anna Marie Mattson,
Steering Committee, DA Veteran and Military Families Caucus

Links: https://www.democratsabroad.org/wounded_warriors?utm_campaign=vmf_request_landstuhl032020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=democratsabroad


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