MDFDE/France: May You Rest in Peace Colonel Arnaud BELTRAME! #MDFDEJeSuisLadyLiberty132

Arnaud Beltrame, lorsqu’il était porte-drapeau de 1999 à 2001 à l’École militaire InterArmes dans le Morbihan / © ESCC/Dircom   Joe Biden‏Compte certifié @JoeBiden 26 mars My mother often reminded me that “bravery resides in every heart and some...

MDFDE/USA: 03/24/18: ALL TOGETHER NOW For the March of the Century! #MarchForOurLives

MARCH FOR OUR LIVES MARCH 24 2018!/United+States/Washington/LULAC+Lambda+DC?ical=1&tribe_display=   Latest: March For Our Lives‏Compte certifié @AMarch4OurLives 1 hil y a 1 heure @lemdfde Watch the #marchforourlives students take to the streets of Washington to end gun violence now … Reply...