Emma Lazarus (1849-1887). Courtesy of the American Jewish Historical Society. https://jwa.org/thisweek/nov/02/1883/emma-lazarus



Advisory: Statue to Re-Open Monday. The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island will re-open Monday, regardless of the status of the government shutdown. The State of New York and federal officials came to an agreement to re-open both the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

The Statue of Liberty National Monument & Ellis Island Will Reopen – The National Park Service, through a funding agreement with the State of New York, will reopen the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island on Monday morning, January 22. 4tix http://www.statuecruises.com 

Liberty Enlightening the World


“The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World” was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886.  It was designated as a National Monument in 1924.  Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.


“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Emma Lazarus (1883)





Alerts In Effect

Government Shutdown

Alert 1 , Severity, closure, Government ShutdownBecause of the federal government shutdown, this website is not being updated and may not reflect current conditions. For your planning purposes, some parks in the National Park System may have areas that remain accessible to visitors; however access may change without notice, and some parks are closed completely. Some lodging, restaurants, and other services may be available when provided by concessioners or other entities. Be aware that there will be no National Park Service-­provided visitor services, including restrooms, trash collection, facilities, or road maintenance. For more information, see www.doi.gov/shutdown and the park website.

Links: https://www.statueoflibertytickets.com



Related posts: https://www.francaisdeletranger.org/en/2017/12/05/mdfdeusa-dec-2017-lady-liberty-says-hang-tough-america-mdfdejesuisladyliberty131/










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